Sunday, July 08, 2007

Fishing Colorado: Headwaters of the Colorado River

Rocky Mountain National Park.

The Brown trout (Salmo trutta) was introduced to Colorado in 1890, and is native to Europe and Western Asia. It's identifying marks are black spots, and reddish orange spots inside of light blue circles. They spawn in the fall.

Record: The record Brown caught in Colorado was in 1988, 30 lbs, 8 oz.

1 comment:

  1. Learning to fly fish while I'm visiting my parents in Ohio, from an instructional DVD from the library. Always wanted to do that. A guy from worked loaned me his rod and reel so that I can practice. Maybe when I get back from Ohio here in a month or so me, you, and JP can head out somewhere and see if I learned anything from my DVD:)
