Hancock, Jamie, The Animal, Melissa, Pat, The Doctor,
One of the Fourteen High Alpine Lakes in the area.
First, let us travel back in time, to the year 1880. Perched high on the shoulder of near by
At 9000 feet above sea level the town overlooks the
Near the old Cross Creek mining cabin.
The River below the small town roars as snow runoff squeezes through and cuts its way down the narrow passage. It is teaming with native trout species, like the green back cutthroat. The area is famous for its once-prolific production of well-crystallized and aesthetic specimens of jet-black sphalerite, flattened rhombohedra,"potato chip" siderite, and spectacular specimens of lustrous pyrite with its many crystal habits and mineral associations.(FA)
However gold was the money maker in the area which led to most of the area's development. Gold production in the Area from 1890 to 1990 was 400,000 ounces. The population of Gilman had reached three hundred in 1889, when half of the town was destroyed by fire, including the Iron Mask Hotel, the schoolhouse, several residences, and the shaft house and machinery of the
Although the town is extinct, reminisce of this rich history is strewn throughout the region.
Entire valleys of wild flowers.
Taking time to enjoy the views, water down, eat and of coarse nap in the Colorado sunshine.
Historic Information referenced from findarticles.com
Minerals of the Gilman District and
by William J. Warren, Jr., Ed Pedersen